
My Perspective on Tutoring

When it comes to tutoring, I align myself with the goals of my student.

My student might just want to get a good grade with as little time investment as possible. That's a valid goal. It could be for any number of reasons. For example, the student is taking too many classes, the student just need to pass the class for their major requirements, or they had a rough couple of weeks and their grade is suffering.

I focus on making sure they complete all the homework questions. I find that while doing homework problems, opportunities arrise to review prerequisite knowledge. In this way I dynamically make my students strong mathematically across the board.

If my student wants to understand the math at a deeper level and is willing to spend as much time as it takes to accomplish that goal, then I'll give them support while they try problems on their own.

After attempting hard problems, I'll give them some hints and wait to see if they can figure it out from there on their own. If they can't get it after hints, I'll finally walk them through the steps, always reminding them of the big picture ideas.

Whatever your goals for your math class, I've got your back.

To read more about my tutoring services, visit my tutoring page.

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